Word of the Day Challenge 2018

*Aid for new years resolution to learn one new word per day for a year.

Date Word Definition
January 1st Instauration
Noun [in-stau-ra-tion]
renewal; restoration; renovation; repair.
January 2nd Accentuate
Verb [ak-SEN-shu-wayt]
accent, emphasize; also : intensify.
January 3rd Sacerdotal
Adjective [sass-er-DOH-tul]
of or relating to priests or a priesthood : priestly.
January 4th Hornswoggle
Verb [HORN-swah-gul]
bamboozle, hoax.
January 5th Moira
Noun [moi-ra]
a person's fate or destiny.
January 6th Vapid
Adjective [VAP-id]
lacking flavor, zest, animation, or spirit : flat, dull.
January 7th Gainsay
Verb [gayn-SAY]
to declare to be untrue or invalid.
January 8th Ambivalent
Adjective [am-biv-a-lent]
having or showing simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward something or someone.
January 9th Suspiration
Noun [sus-pi-ra-tion]
a long deep breath : sigh.
January 10th Cohort
Noun [KOH-hort]
companion, colleague.
January 11th Jannock
Adjective [jan-nock]
straightforward and fair : upright, decent.
January 12th Reprehensible
Adjective [rep-rih-HEN-suh-bul]
worthy of or deserving disapproval, blame, or censure : culpable.
January 13th Stanch
to check or stop the flowing of; also : to stop the flow of blood from (a wound).
January 14th Demiurge
Noun [DEM-ee-erj]
one that is an autonomous creative force or decisive power.
January 15th Intrepid
Adjective [in-TREP-id]
characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance.
January 16th Decathect
Verb [dee-kuh-thekt]
to withdraw one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss.
January 17th Succinct
Adjective [suc-cinct]
expressed in few words; concise; terse.
January 18th Homiletic
Adjective [hah-muh-LET-ik]
of, relating to, or resembling a homily(sermon or lecture).
January 19th Trammel
Noun [TRAM-ul]
something impeding activity, progress, or freedom : restraint — usually plural.
January 20th Bespoke
Adjective [bih-SPOHK]
January 21st Vulnerary
Adjective [vul-ner-ary]
used to promote the healing of wounds, as herbs or other remedies.
January 22nd Featly
Adverb [feat-ly]
in a graceful manner : nimbly.
January 23rd Maladroit
Adjective [mal-adroit]
unskillful; awkward; bungling; tactless.
January 24th Contrite
Adjective [KAHN-tryte]
feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming.
January 25th Reverie
Noun [rev-er-ie]
a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts : daydream.
January 26th Retrodict
Verb [ret-ruh-DIKT]
to utilize present information or ideas to infer or explain (a past event or state of affairs).
January 27th Sisyphean
Adjective [sis-y-phe-an]
endless and unavailing, as labor or a task.
January 28th Petulant
Adjective [pet-u-lant]
easily irritated or annoyed.
January 29th Anthropomorphic
Adjective [an-thruh-puh-MOR-fik]
described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes.
January 30th Obsequious
Adjective [ob-see-qui-ous]
characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning : an obsequious bow.
January 31st Fenestrated
Adjective [fen-es-trat-ed]
having one or more openings or pores.
February 1st Epistemic
Adjective [ep-i-stee-mic]
of or relating to knowledge or knowing : cognitive.
February 2nd Oblivescence
Noun [ob-li-ves-cence]
an act or the process of forgetting.
February 3rd Moxie
Noun [mox-ie]
courage; nerve; determination.
February 4th Vacuous
Adjective [vac-u-ous]
emptied of or lacking content.
February 5th Quixotic
Adjective [quix-ot-ic]
foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals.
February 6th Logomachy
Noun [loh-GAH-muh-kee]
a dispute over or about words.
February 7th Verisimilitude
Noun [veri-si-mil-i-tude]
the appearance of being true or real.
February 8th Bungle
Verb [bun-gle]
to act or work clumsily and awkwardly.
February 9th Mnemonic
Adjective [nih-MAH-nik]
assisting or intended to assist memory.
February 10th Maudlin
Adjective [MAUD-lin]
drunk enough to be emotionally silly.
February 11th Slake
Verb [SLAYK]
satisfy, quench.
February 12th Copacetic
Adjective [koh-puh-SET-ik]
very satisfactory.
February 13th Loquacious
Adjective [loh-KWAY-shus]
full of excessive talk : wordy.
February 14th Stringent
Adjective [strin-gent]
tight, constricted.
February 15th Nebbish
Noun [NEB-ish]
a timid, meek, or ineffectual person.
February 16th Inscrutable
Adjective [in-scru-ta-ble]
not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood : mysterious.
February 17th Aberration
Noun [ab-er-ra-tion]
the fact or an instance of deviating from a moral standard or normal state.
February 18th Nadir
Adjective [nay-deer]
the worst or lowest point of something.
February 19th Affable
Adjective [af-fa-ble]
being pleasant and at ease in talking to others.
February 20th Refection
Noun [rih-FEK-shun]
refreshment of mind, spirit, or body; especially : nourishment.
February 21st Epigrammatic
Adjective [ep-i-gram-mat-ic]
terse and ingenious in expression.
February 22nd Plangent
Adjective [PLAN-junt]
having a loud reverberating sound.
February 23rd Demarcate
Verb [dih-MAHR-kayt]
to fix or define the limits of : delimit.
February 24th Objurgate
Verb [ob-jer-geyt]
to reproach or denounce vehemently; upbraid harshly; berate sharply.
February 25th Ad Hoc
Noun [AD-HOCK]
concerned with a particular end or purpose.
February 26th Hyetal
Adjective [hahy-i-tal]
of or relating to rain or rainfall.
February 27th Tenebrous
Adjective [TEN-uh-brus]
shut off from the light : dark, murky.
February 28th Exegesis
Noun [ek-suh-JEE-sis]
exposition, explanation; especially : an explanation or critical interpretation of a text.
March 1st Agon
Noun [AH-gahn]
conflict; especially : the dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work.
March 2nd Nondescript
Adjective [nahn-dih-SKRIPT]
belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind : not easily described.
March 3rd Elucidate
Verb [ih-LOO-suh-dayt]
to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis.
March 4th Cursory
Adjective [KER-suh-ree]
rapidly and often superficially performed or produced : hasty.
March 5th Interoperability
Noun [in-ter-op-er-a-bil-i-ty]
ability of a system to work with or use the parts or equipment of another system.
March 6th Ergophobia
Noun [er-go-pho-bia]
an abnormal fear of work.
March 7th Woolgathering
Noun [WOOL-gath-uh-ring]
indulgence in idle daydreaming.
March 8th Minerva
Noun [me-ner-va]
a woman of great wisdom.
March 9th Meander
Verb [mee-AN-der]
to wander aimlessly or casually without urgent destination : ramble.
March 10th Transpicuous
Adjective [tran-SPIK-yuh-wus]
clearly seen through or understood.
March 11th Scilicet
Adverb [SKEE-lih-ket]
that is to say : to wit, namely.
March 12th Besmirch
Verb [bih-SMERCH]
to cause harm or damage to : sully, soil.
March 13th Laudable
Adjective [LAW-duh-bul]
worthy of praise : commendable
March 14th Invigilate
Verb [in-VIJ-uh-layt]
to keep watch; supervise; monitor.
March 15th Circumferential
Adjective [ser-kuhm-fuh-REN-shuhl]
surrounding; lying along the outskirts.
March 16th Anent
Preposition [a-nent]
about, concerning.
March 17th Ephemeral
Adjective [e-phem-er-al]
lasting a very short time.
March 18th Sedulous
Adjective [sed-u-lous]
involving or accomplished with careful perseverance.
March 19th Macabre
Adjective [ma-ca-bre]
having death as a subject.
March 20th Kerfuffle
Noun [ker-fuf-fle]
a disturbance or commotion typically caused by a dispute or conflict.
March 21st Confabulate
Verb [con-fab-u-late]
to talk informally : chat.
March 22nd Lugubrious
Adjective [loo-GOO-bree-us]
mournful, dismal.
March 23rd Deracinate
Verb [de-rac-i-nate]
to remove or separate from a native environment or culture : uproot.
March 24th Slough
Verb [SLUFF]
to crumble slowly and fall away : cast off.
March 25th Thimblerig
Verb [THIM-bul-rig]
to cheat by trickery.
March 26th Bravado
Noun [bruh-VAH-doh]
blustering swaggering conduct.
March 27th Grandiose
Adjective [gran-dee-OHSS]
impressive in size, scope, or effect.
March 28th Rescind
Verb [re-scind]
to take back and make void.
March 29th Scurrilous
Adjective [SKUR-uh-lus]
using or given to coarse language.
March 30th Parlous
Adjective [PAHR-lus]
full of danger or risk.
March 31st Sepulcher
Noun [sep-uhl-ker]
a tomb, grave, or burial place.
April 1st Shavie
Noun [shey-vee]
a trick or prank.
April 2nd Rectitude
Noun [REK-tuh-tood]
the quality or state of being correct in judgment or procedure.
April 3rd Anecdotal
Adjective [an-ec-doe-tal]
based on personal observation, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluation.
April 4th Dendrophilous
Adjective [den-droph-i-lous]
living in or on trees.
April 5th Ostentatious
Adjective [os-ten-ta-tious]
attracting attention by showing off wealth or cleverness.
April 6th Ineluctable
Adjective [in-ih-LUK-tuh-bul]
not to be avoided, changed, or resisted : inevitable.
April 7th Deleterious
Adjective [del-e-te-ri-ous]
harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way.
April 8th Bastion
Noun [BAS-chun]
a fortified place.
April 9th Precocious
Adjective [pre-co-cious]
exceptionally early in development or occurrence.
April 10th Kitsch
Noun [KITCH]
something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality.
April 11th Ineffable
Adjective [in-ef-fa-ble]
incapable of being expressed in words : indescribable.
April 12th Mercurial
Adjective [mer-cu-ri-al]
changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic.
April 13th Coalesce
Verb [co-a-lesce]
to grow together : fuse.
April 14th Assiduous
Adjective [as-sid-u-ous]
showing great care, attention, and effort.
April 15th Consternation
Noun [con-ster-na-tion]
amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion.
April 16th Impetuous
Adjective [im-pet-u-ous]
done quickly and without thought.
April 17th Salacious
Adjective [sa-la-cious]
arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination.
April 18th Enigmatic
Adjective [enig-mat-ic]
full of mystery and difficult to understand.
April 19th Voracious
Adjective [vo-ra-cious]
having a huge appetite : ravenous.
April 20th Bloviate
Verb [BLOH-vee-ayt]
to speak or write verbosely and windily.
April 21st Odium
Noun [oh-dee-uhm]
intense hatred or dislike.
April 22nd Insolent
Adjective [in-so-lent]
rude or impolite : having or showing a lack of respect for other people.
April 23rd Cathexis
Noun [kuh-THEK-sis]
investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea.
April 24th Harrowing
Adjective [har-row-ing]
acutely distressing or painful.
April 25th Slew
Noun [sloo]
a large number.
April 26th Astute
Adjective [as-tute]
mentally sharp or clever.
April 27th Querulous
Adjective [KWAIR-yuh-lus]
habitually complaining.
April 28th Allocution
Noun [al-lo-cu-tion]
a formal speech.
April 29th Redolent
Adjective [RED-uh-lunt]
exuding fragrance : aromatic.
April 30th Feint
Noun [feynt]
a quick movement that you make to trick an opponent.
May 1st Eventuate
Verb [ih-VEN-chuh-wayt]
to come out finally : result, come about.
May 2nd Didactic
Adjective [di-dac-tic]
designed or intended to teach.
May 3rd Beaucoup
Adjective [BOH-koo]
great in quantity or amount : many, much.
May 4th Flocculate
Verb [FLAH-kyuh-layt]
to aggregate or coalesce into small lumps or loose clusters.
May 5th Sabulous
Adjective [sab-u-lous]
being sandy or gritty.
May 6th Compunction
Noun [com-punc-tion]
anxiety arising from awareness of guilt.
May 7th Effusive
Adjective [ef-fu-sive]
marked by the expression of great emotion or enthusiasm.
May 8th Ratiocination
Noun [ra-ti-o-ci-na-tion]
the process of exact thinking : reasoning.
May 9th Jocose
Adjective [joh-KOHSS]
given to joking : humorous.
May 10th Inane
Adjective [ih-neyn]
empty, void.
May 11th Otiose
Adjective [OH-shee-ohss]
producing no useful result : futile.
May 12th Plebeian
Noun [ple-be-ian]
one of the common people.
May 13th Vicissitude
Noun [vi-cis-si-tude]
the quality or state of being changeable : mutability.
May 14th Nascent
Adjective [NASS-unt]
coming or having recently come into existence.
May 15th Languor
Noun [lan-gur]
weakness or weariness of body or mind.
May 16th Aggress
Verb [uh-gress]
to make an attack : to act aggressively.
May 17th Obstinate
Adjective [ob-sti-nate]
stubbornly adhering to an opinion or purpose.
May 18th Surreptitious
Adjective [sur-rep-ti-tious]
done, made, or acquired by stealth.
May 19th Unfettered
Adjective [un-FET-erd]
free, unrestrained.
May 20th Besot
Verb [bih-SAHT]
to make dull or stupid : intoxicate.
May 21st Raillery
Noun [rail-uh-re]
good-natured ridicule : banter.
May 22nd Garrulous
Adjective [GAIR-uh-lus]
pointlessly or annoyingly talkative.
May 23rd Omnifarious
Adjective [om-ni-far-i-ous]
of all varieties, forms, or kinds.
May 24th Iota
Noun [io-ta]
a very small amount.
May 25th Penultimate
Adjective [pen-ul-ti-mate]
occurring immediately before the last one.
May 26th Excogitate
Verb [ex-cog-i-tate]
to think out : devise.
May 27th Arrogate
Verb [AIR-uh-gayt]
to claim or seize without justification.
May 28th Inviolable
Adjective [in-vi-o-la-ble]
too sacred to be broken or denied.
May 29th Flummox
Verb [FLUM-uks]
May 30th Sacrosanct
Adjective [SAK-roh-sankt]
most sacred or holy : inviolable.
May 31st Solicitude
Noun [so-lic-i-tude]
the state of being concerned and anxious.
June 1st Abhorrent
Adjective [ab-hor-rent]
causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred.
June 2nd Flippant
Adjective [flip-[pant]
lacking proper respect or seriousness.
June 3rd Concupiscent
Noun [con-cu-pis-cent]
lustful or sensual.
June 4th Mollify
Verb [mol-li-fy]
to soothe temper or disposition.
June 5th Esoteric
Adjective [es-o-ter-ic]
understood by only the select few who have special knowledge or interest.
June 6th Unbeknownst
Adjective [un-bih-NOHNST]
not known or not well-known.
June 7th Gauche
Adjective [gōsh]
lacking social experience or grace.
June 8th Clemency
Noun [clem-en-cy]
willingness or ability to moderate the severity of a punishment.
June 9th Antigodlin
Adjective [an-ti-god-lin]
out of line : askew.
June 10th Epochal
Adjective [ep-och-al]
momentous or unparalleled.
June 11th Abrogate
Verb [AB-ruh-gayt]
to abolish by authoritative action : annul.
June 12th Pejorative
Noun [pe-jo-ra-tive]
a word or phrase that has negative connotations or that is intended to belittle.
June 13th Exorbitant
Adjective [ex-or-bi-tant]
going far beyond what is fair, reasonable, or expected : too high, expensive, etc.
June 14th Repugnant
Adjective [re-pug-nant]
causing a strong feeling of dislike or distrust.
June 15th Pugnacious
Adjective [pug-NAY-shus]
having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
June 16th Tantalize
Verb [TAN-tuh-lyze]
to tease or torment by presenting something desirable.
June 17th Meritorious
Adjective [mair-uh-TOR-ee-us]
deserving of honor or esteem.
June 18th Jabberwocky
Noun [JAB-er-wah-kee]
meaningless speech or writing.
June 19th Quail
Verb [KWAIL]
to give way : falter.
June 20th Turophile
Noun [tu-ro-phile]
a connoisseur or lover of cheese.
June 21st Moot
Adjective [müt]
open to question : debatable.
June 22nd Pellucid
Adjective [pel-lu-cid]
clear in meaning, expression, or style.
June 23rd Truculent
Adjective [tru-cu-lent]
aggressively self-assertive : belligerent.
June 24th Veracity
Noun [ve-rac-i-ty]
the quality of being truthful or accurate.
June 25th Paragon
Noun [par-a-gon]
a model of excellence or perfection.
June 26th Kaput
Adjective [kuh-put]
utterly finished, defeated, or destroyed.
June 27th Altruistic
Adjective [al-tru-is-tic]
having or showing an unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
June 28th Vociferous
Adjective [vo-cif-er-ous]
marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry.
June 29th Velitation
Noun [vel-i-ta-tion]
a dispute or slight contest : skirmish.
June 30th Lambaste
Verb [lam-BAYST]
to assault violently : beat, whip.
July 1st Capitulate
Verb [ca-pit-u-late]
to stop trying to fight or resist something.
July 2nd Canicular
Adjective [kun-NIK-yuh-ler]
of or relating to the period between early July and early September when hot weather occurs in the northern hemisphere.
July 3rd Torrid
Adjective [tor-rid]
parched with heat especially of the sun.
July 4th Dearth
Noun [derth]
an inadequate supply : scarcity.
July 5th Asseverate
Verb [uh-Sev-uh-rayt]
to affirm or declare positively or earnestly.
July 6th Sophistry
Noun [SAH-fuh-stree]
subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation.
July 7th Debonair
Adjective [deb-o-nair]
courteous, gracious, and having a sophisticated charm.
July 8th Lucubration
Noun [loo-kyuh-BRAY-shun]
laborious or intensive study; also : the product of such study — usually used in plural.
July 9th Transmogrify
Verb [transs-MAH-gruh-fye]
to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect.
July 10th Sophomoric
Adjective [soph-o-mor-ic]
lacking in maturity, taste, or judgment.
July 11th Nimiety
Noun [nih-MYE-uh-tee]
excess, redundancy.
July 12th Cerebrate
Verb [SAIR-uh-brayt]
to use the mind : think.
July 13th Vitiate
Verb [vi-ti-ate]
to make faulty or defective : impair.
July 14th Solecism
Noun [so-le-cism]
an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence; a minor blunder in speech.
July 15th Coeval
Adjective [co-e-val]
of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration.
July 16th Declivity
Noun [dih-KLIV-uh-tee]
downward inclination.
July 17th Apposite
Adjective [ap-po-site]
highly pertinent or appropriate.
July 18th Mitigate
Verb [mit-i-gate]
make less severe, serious, or painful.
July 19th Lethargic
Adjective [le-thar-gic]
sluggish and apathetic.
July 20th Covetous
Adjective [cov-et-ous]
marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions.
July 21st Epigone
Noun [ep-i-gone]
an inferior imitator.
July 22nd Festinate
Verb [FESS-tuh-nayt]
July 23rd Rapacious
Adjective [ra-pa-cious]
excessively grasping or covetous.
July 24th Languid
Adjective [LANG-gwid]
lacking energy or vitality : weak.
July 25th Blinkered
Adjective [blink-ered]
limited in scope or understanding : narrow-minded.
July 26th Eidetic
Adjective [i-det-ic]
extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images.
July 27th Reticent
Adjective [RET-uh-sunt]
inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech : reserved.
July 28th Thalassophobia
Noun [tha-lass-o-pho-bia]
intense fear of the sea.
July 29th Gloss
to provide a brief explanation.
July 30th Tempestuous
Adjective [tem-PESS-chuh-wus]
of, relating to, or resembling a violent storm.
July 31st Chortle
Verb [chor-tle]
a snorting, joyful laugh or chuckle.
August 1st Premonition
Noun [pre-mo-ni-tion]
anticipation of an event without conscious reason.
August 2nd Agog
Adjective [uh-GAHG]
full of intense interest or excitement : eager.
August 3rd Quandary
Noun [quan-da-ry]
a state of perplexity or doubt.
August 4th Slimsy
Adjective [SLIM-zee]
flimsy, frail.
August 5th Bereft
Adjective [bih-REFT]
deprived or robbed of the possession or use of something.
August 6th Daft
Adjective [daft]
silly, foolish.
August 7th Fungible
Adjective [FUN-juh-bul]
interchangeable : flexible.
August 8th Incorrigible
Adjective [in-cor-ri-gi-ble]
incapable of being corrected or amended.
August 9th Asunder
Adverb [asun-der]
into separate parts : torn.
August 10th Volatile
Adjective [vol-a-tile]
subject to rapid or unexpected change.
August 11th Piquant
Adjective [pea-kent]
engagingly provocative.
August 12th Interpolate
Verb [in-ter-po-late]
to insert between other things or parts.
August 13th Orgulous
Adjective [OR-gyuh-lus]
August 14th Feckless
Adjective [feck-less]
weak, ineffective.
August 15th Conciliate
Verb [con-cil-i-ate]
August 16th Anodyne
Adjective [an-o-dyne]
something that soothes, calms, or comforts.
August 17th Magnanimous
Adjective [mag-nan-i-mous]
having or showing a generous and kind nature.
August 18th Adulation
Noun [aj-uh-LAY-shun]
excessive or slavish admiration or flattery.
August 19th Imperturbable
Adjective [im-per-TER-buh-bul]
marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness : serene.
August 20th Satiety
Noun [suh-TYE-uh-tee]
the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity : fullness.
August 21st Rapturous
Adjective [rap-cher-us]
expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm.
August 22nd Exigent
Adjective [EK-suh-junt]
requiring immediate aid or action.
August 23rd Malapropism
Noun [mal-a-prop-ism]
the confusion of a word with another word that sounds similar.
August 24th Contrition
Noun [con-tri-tion]
the state of feeling remorseful and penitent.
August 25th Jaunty
Adjective [JAWN-tee]
sprightly in manner or appearance : lively.
August 26th Puissant
Adjective [PWISS-unt]
of great force or vigor : strong, powerful.
August 27th Embosk
Verb [em-bosk]
to shroud or conceal especially with plants or greenery.
August 28th Myopic
Adjective [my-o-pic]
narrow in perspective and without concern for broader implications.
August 29th Taciturn
Adjective [TASS-uh-tern]
temperamentally disinclined to talk.
August 30th Trepidation
Noun [trep-i-da-tion]
a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation.
August 31st Lexical
Adjective [lex-i-cal]
of or relating to words or the vocabulary of a language as distinguished from its grammar and construction.
September 1st Ornery
Adjective [or-nery]
having an irritable disposition.
September 2nd Idiosyncrasy
Noun [id-i-o-syn-cra-sy]
an individualizing characteristic or quality.
September 3rd Axiom
Noun [ax-i-om]
a statement accepted as true as the basis for argument or inference.
September 4th Nefarious
Adjective [ne-far-i-ous]
flagrantly wicked or impious : evil.
September 5th Apodictic
Adjective [ap-uh-DIK-tik]
expressing necessary truth or absolute certainty.
September 6th Quiddity
Noun [KWID-uh-tee]
whatever makes something the type that it is : essence.
September 7th Stultify
Verb [STUL-tuh-fye]
to cause to appear or be stupid, foolish, or absurdly illogical.
September 8th Antithetical
Adjective [an-tuh-THET-ih-kul]
directly opposite or opposed.
September 9th Abeyance
Noun [uh-BAY-unss]
a state of temporary inactivity : suspension.
September 10th Cachinnate
Verb [KAK-uh-nayt]
to laugh loudly or immoderately.
September 11th Paucity
Noun [pau-ci-ty]
smallness of quantity : scarcity.
September 12th Absquatulate
Verb [ab-squat-u-late]
to leave abruptly.
September 13th Taradiddle
Noun [tair-uh-DID-ul]
pretentious nonsense.
September 14th Laconic
Adjective [la-con-ic]
using or marked by the use of few words.
September 15th Insouciance
Noun [in-sou-ci-ance]
lighthearted unconcern : nonchalance.
September 16th Resplendent
Adjective [rih-SPLEN-dunt]
shining brilliantly.
September 17th Aspersion
Noun [as-per-sion]
a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation.
September 18th Lenitive
Adjective [LEN-uh-tiv]
alleviating pain or harshness : soothing.
September 19th Dolorous
Adjective [do-lor-ous]
causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief.
September 20th Milieu
Noun [meel-you]
the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops : environment.
September 21st Destitute
Adjective [des-ti-tute]
lacking something needed or desirable.
September 22nd Viva Voce
Adverb [vye-vuh-VOH-see]
by word of mouth : orally.
September 23rd Avaricious
Adjective [av-a-ri-cious]
greedy of gain.
September 24th Derisive
Adjective [de-ri-sive]
expressing or causing contemptuous ridicule or scorn.
September 25th Subterfuge
Noun [sub-ter-fuge]
deceit used in order to achieve one's goal.
September 26th Perspicacious
Adjective [per-spi-ca-cious]
having a ready insight into and understanding of things.
September 27th Orotund
Adjective [OR-uh-tund]
marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound : sonorous.
September 28th Perfunctory
Adjective [per-func-to-ry]
carried out with minimum effort or reflection.
September 29th Nocuous
Adjective [NAH-kyuh-wus]
September 30th Rodomontade
Noun [rah-duh-mun-TAYD]
a bragging speech.
October 1st Desideratum
Noun [de-sid-er-a-tum]
something that is needed or wanted.
October 2nd Improvident
Adjective [im-prov-i-dent]
not providing or saving for the future.
October 3rd Fastidious
Adjective [fas-tid-i-ous]
very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.
October 4th Draconian
Adjective [dra-co-ni-an]
excessively harsh and severe.
October 5th Dilapidated
Adjective [dih-lap-i-dey-tid]
in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.
October 6th Gloaming
Noun [GLOH-ming]
twilight, dusk.
October 7th Scintillate
Verb [SIN-tuh-layt]
to emit sparks : spark.
October 8th Tantamount
Adjective [tan-ta-mount]
equivalent in value, significance, or effect.
October 9th Vivacious
Adjective [vi-va-cious]
full of energy and good spirits.
October 10th Inextricable
Adjective [in-ex-tri-ca-ble]
impossible to disentangle or separate.
October 11th Churlish
Adjective [churl-ish]
lacking manners or refinement.
October 12th Equivocation
Noun [equiv-o-ca-tion]
deliberate evasiveness in wording.
October 13th Quip
Noun [kwip]
a clever usually taunting remark : gibe.
October 14th Crapulous
Adjective [KRAP-yuh-lus]
marked by intemperance especially in eating or drinking.
October 15th Tergiversation
Noun [ter-jiv-er-SAY-shun]
evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement : equivocation.
October 16th Nary
Adjective [NAIR-ee]
not any : not one.
October 17th Punctilious
Adjective [punc-til-i-ous]
showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.
October 18th Venerate
Verb [ven-er-ate]
regard with great respect : revere.
October 19th Inveterate
Adjective [in-vet-er-ate]
confirmed in a habit : habitual.
October 20th Superjacent
Adjective [soo-per-JAY-sunt]
lying above or upon : overlying.
October 21st Coterminous
Adjective [co-ter-mi-nous]
having the same boundaries or extent in space, time, or meaning.
October 22nd Brouhaha
Noun [BROO-hah-hah]
a state of commotion or excitement.
October 23rd Mawkish
Adjective [MAW-kish]
lacking flavor or having an unpleasant taste.
October 24th Indoctrinate
Verb [in-DAHK-truh-nayt]
to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments : teach.
October 25th Fugacious
Adjective [fyoo-GAY-shus]
lasting a short time : evanescent.
October 26th Spurious
Adjective [spu-ri-ous]
plausible but false.
October 27th Alacrity
Noun [alac-ri-ty]
promptness in response : cheerful readiness.
October 28th Trenchant
Adjective [tren-chant]
vigorously effective and articulate.
October 29th Timorous
Adjective [tim-o-rous]
of a timid disposition : fearful.
October 30th Caterwaul
Verb [KAT-er-wawl]
to make a harsh cry.
October 31st Diablerie
Noun [di-a-ble-rie]
black magic : sorcery.
November 1st Verbose
Adjective [ver-BOHSS]
impaired by wordiness.
November 2nd Pernicious
Adjective [per-ni-cious]
highly injurious or destructive : deadly.
November 3rd Prevaricate
Verb [pre-var-i-cate]
to deviate from the truth : equivocate.
November 4th Lascivious
Adjective [las-civ-i-ous]
lewd, lustful.
November 5th Mordant
Adjective [MOR-dunt]
biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : incisive.
November 6th Umbrage
Noun [UM-brij]
offense or annoyance.
November 7th Heuristic
Adjective [heu-ris-tic]
enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves.
November 8th Palmary
Adjective [PAL-muh-ree]
outstanding, best.
November 9th Boustrophedon
Noun [boo-struh-FEE-dahn]
the writing of alternate lines in opposite directions.
November 10th Fruition
Noun [fru-ition]
the point at which a plan or project is realized.
November 11th Valorous
Adjective [VAL-uh-russ]
possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : courageous.
November 12th Admonish
Verb [ad-MAH-nish]
to indicate duties or obligations to.
November 13th Recalcitrant
Adjective [rih-KAL-suh-trunt]
obstinately defiant of authority or restraint.
November 14th Proliferate
Verb [pro-lif-er-ate]
to increase in number or amount quickly.
November 15th Wherewithal
Noun [where-with-al]
means, resources.
November 16th Exculpate
Verb [EK-skull-payt]
to clear from alleged fault or guilt.
November 17th Susurrous
Adjective [soo-SUR-us]
full of whispering sounds.
November 18th Cognoscente
Noun [co-gno-scen-te]
a person who has expert knowledge in a subject : connoisseur.
November 19th Enmity
Noun [en-mi-ty]
positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will.
November 20th Inimical
Adjective [in-im-i-cal]
being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence.
November 21st Noisome
Adjective [NOY-sum]
noxious, harmful.
November 22nd Germane
Adjective [ger-mane]
relevant to a subject under consideration.
November 23rd Impromptu
Adjective [im-PROMP-too]
made, done, or formed in the spur of the moment : improvised.
November 24th Audacious
Adjective [aw-DAY-shus]
willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
November 25th Sagacious
Adjective [sa-ga-cious]
keen mental discernment and good judgment.
November 26th Inimical
Adjective [in-im-i-cal]
tending to obstruct or harm.
November 27th Eponymous
Adjective [epon-y-mous]
of, relating to, or being the person or thing for whom or which something is named.
November 28th Betwixt
Adverb [bih-TWIKST]
November 29th Ritzy
Adjective [RIT-see]
impressively or ostentatiously fancy or stylish : fashionable, posh.
November 30th Innocuous
Adjective [in-noc-u-ous]
not harmful or offensive.
December 1st Naivete
Noun [na-ive-te]
lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
December 2nd Bellicose
Adjective [bel-li-cose]
demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
December 3rd Inure
Verb [in-ure]
accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant.
December 4th Perspicacious
Adjective [per-spuh-KAY-shus]
of acute mental vision or discernment : keen.
December 5th Atelier
Noun [a-tel-yay]
an artist's or designer's studio or workroom.
December 6th Foist
Verb [foist]
to introduce or insert surreptitiously or without warrant.
December 7th Brusquerie
Noun [brus-que-rie]
abruptness of manner.
December 8th Approbation
Noun [ap-ruh-BAY-shun]
commendation, praise.
December 9th Galumph
Verb [guh-LUMF]
to move with a clumsy heavy tread.
December 10th Repartee
Noun [rep-er-TEE]
a quick and witty reply.
December 11th Immure
Verb [ih-MYOOR]
to enclose within or as if within walls : imprison.
December 12th Abstruse
Adjective [ab-struse]
difficult to comprehend : recondite.
December 13th Mellifluous
Adjective [mel-lif-lu-ous]
(of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
December 14th Unscrupulous
Adjective [un-scru-pu-lous]
having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.
December 15th Foray
Noun [for-ay]
a sudden or irregular invasion or attack for war or spoils : raid.
December 16th Luculent
Adjective [lu-cu-lent]
clear in thought or expression : lucid.
December 17th Riposte
Noun [ri-poste]
a retaliatory maneuver or measure.
December 18th Indignant
Adjective [in-dig-nant]
feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy.
December 19th Tchotchke
Noun [CHAHCH-kuh]
knickknack, trinket.
December 20th Frenetic
Adjective [frih-NET-ik]
marked by excitement, disorder, or anxiety-driven activity : frenzied, frantic.
December 21st Gaudy
Adjective [gau-dy]
ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented.
December 22nd Prodigious
Adjective [pro-di-gious]
impressively great in extent, size, or degree.
December 23rd Assuage
Verb [uh-SWAYJ]
to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses) : ease.
December 24th Epitaph
Noun [ep-i-taph]
a phrase or statement written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone.
December 25th Enervate
Verb [ener-vate]
to reduce the mental or moral vigor of.
December 26th Excoriate
Verb [ex-co-ri-ate]
to criticize (someone or something) very harshly.
December 27th Indefatigable
Adjective [in-de-fat-i-ga-ble]
persisting tirelessly.
December 28th Canorous
Adjective [kuh-NOR-us]
pleasant sounding : melodious.
December 29th Cogent
Adjective [co-gent]
(of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.
December 30th Obdurate
Adjective [AHB-duh-rut]
stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
December 31st Fallacious
Adjective [fal-la-cious]
based on a mistaken belief.